Can You Spot Money-Making Schemes?

Posted by: Samuel Phineas Upham

All money-making schemes sound interesting at first, until you find out the person behind the idea doesn’t really care about his business plan as much as he does about getting your money. That’s the idea behind a satirical article by Ben Greenman called “Money-Making Schemes.”

Greenman opens his article by saying that every good idea was presented to the world in a press release or some type of announcement. He uses his article to announce two business ideas, one of which he actually likens to Edison’s light bulb idea! The entire article is very amusing and interesting to read. His first idea is called the Conceptual Art Registry. He says, “On the one hand, it is complex and self-referential; on the other hand, it has the power to illuminate.”

The second business plan is a company that is also a religion. He calls it “Karmic Relief.” The service he provides is “The Last Laugh,” or the opportunity for a person to change their name before they die.

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