Display Ads: Virtual Campaign Managers – by Ted Dhanik

It used to be that the only mediums for political ads were newspapers and televisions.  However, with the mainstream use of the internet today, the world of political advertising is changing rapidly.  Display ads in particular are a great type of online advertising.  Display ads can essentially be used as virtual campaign managers.

Display advertising is a very powerful tool in politics for a few reasons.  One reason is that it can educate the public on local issues and propositions that many might not be aware of.  Also, these ads can reach people that don’t typically vote.  If created correctly, they might even sway someone to vote who usually doesn’t.  As if those weren’t enough benefits, display ads can also get people to visit a candidate or proposition’s main website.

Display ads are created for a specific demographic or audience.  These ads are then placed on websites that attract that same target audience.  This can have major advantages for candidates because their ads will show up on websites visited by people with similar values and beliefs.  Political display ads should be informational and engaging.  Often the target is a group that is already interested or aligned with the same beliefs, but often they’re uninformed about the campaign.

Display advertising can help to make a candidate’s opinions known to the public.  This can help to gain support for their campaign and their stance on various issues.  Display ads are one of the most valuable tools in a candidate’s campaign today.

Author bio: Guest post is provided by Ted Dhanik, the president and co-founder of engage:BDR.  engage: BDR is a leading media company that offers marketing and advertising solutions to its clients.  Ted Dhanik has extensive experience with banner and display advertising and marketing of all different kinds.  Ted Dhanik was previously the VP of Strategic Marketing for Myspace.

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